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    Post by Future123 Thu Mar 26, 2015 5:07 pm

    Most anticipated news. Very good for the market and investors.

    Hope JKH would bounce back. Without JKH going up CSE can't go up.

    Soon we might hear a favourable decision on Casino. Government should consider the foreign currency inflows through casino project.

    Any information on JKH. Is the foreign selling over?
    yellow knife
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by yellow knife Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:21 pm

    Ranil W and the clan will understand what is China

    Rajitha is in favour of China from the beginning..

    All the best for CSE we are about to head up
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:23 pm

    There was a time that people were against parting with a part of the country to a minority.
    The main concern was the sovereignty of the country then.  
    Perhaps the mind set has now changed because, we are no longer parting with a part in this case.
    It will be a new piece of land created only.
    But what about the same issue of sovereignty now?
    poor boy
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by poor boy Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:40 pm

    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා wrote:There was a time that people were against parting with a part of the country to a minority.
    The main concern was the sovereignty of the country then.  
    Perhaps the mind set has now changed because, we are no longer parting with a part in this case.
    It will be a new piece of land created only.
    But what about the same issue of sovereignty now?

    this is a part of sri lanka . its not a part of china. I do not see any difference between this and Singaporean owned world trade centre. that singaporean does not claim sovereignty . only problem with him is he issues osea rights time to time when he needs some pocket money. Laughing
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:44 pm

    Oh poor boy. Razz
    (Who is listening to US, as long as their stocks are not KEEL over they are happy). Very Happy
    poor boy wrote:
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා wrote:There was a time that people were against parting with a part of the country to a minority.
    The main concern was the sovereignty of the country then.  
    Perhaps the mind set has now changed because, we are no longer parting with a part in this case.
    It will be a new piece of land created only.
    But what about the same issue of sovereignty now?
    this is a part of sri lanka . its not a part of china. I do not see any difference between this and Singaporean owned world trade centre. that singaporean does not claim sovereignty . only problem with him is    he issues osea rights time to time when he needs some pocket money. Laughing
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by chinwi Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:20 pm

    poorboy wrote:this is a part of sri lanka . its not a part of china

    ඒක එහෙම උනාට පට්ටපල් බොරු වපුරල චන්දෙ ගත්ත නිසා ආපහු 180 ක් හරවන කොට ලැජ්ජ හිතෙනව ඇති. මට බය මෙහෙ ඇවිල්ල  ඉන්දියාවට  කියයිද දන්නෙ නැ ඕක නවත්වනව කියල​. ​

    ඩුබායි වල ඔහොම හදපු එකකට මාව එක්කගෙන ගියා මගේ මිතුරෙක්. අනේ ඒකේ චීන්නුයි ඉන් දියන් කාරයොයි ඇමෙරිකන් කාරයොයි  එකී මෙකී නොකී එක එක ජාතිකයනුයි ඒ ඒ රටවල රජයේ හෝ පුද්ගලික සමාගමුයි සල්ලි දීල අරගෙන තමන් ගෙ වැඩ කරගන්නව​. ඒ රටේ නීතිය යටතේ. කවුරුවත් ප්‍රශ්නයක් කරගෙන නෑ.​
    චීන්නු ගත්ත තැන් වල චීන නීතියවත්, ඇමෙරිකන් කාරයො අයිතිය ලබා ගත්ත තැන්වල  ඇමෙරිකන් නීතියවත් නැහැ.

    මෙහේ එහෙම නැතුව අමුතු එකක් තියෙනව නම්  (මම හිතන්නෙ නෑ) මේ යහපාලලා ට කරන්න තියෙන්නෙ ඒක නිවැරදි කරන එක .
    ලැජ්ජාවට රට රවට්ටන්න බොරුවට නවත්වලා රට අස්ථාවර කරන ඉශූ එකක් ඇති කරල නැවත නැට්ට දෙපරැන්දෙ ගහ ගන්නව​.
    මෙහෙම විකාර මේ උපන්තේකට දැක්කමයි අම්මාපල්ල​.

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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by tissera Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:43 am

    This is not world trade center. This is another Island and another Country in front of Sri Lanka. With this island, we are giving Sea as well as Air space to China. It will be another Diego Garcia. They can bring war ships and fighter planes and hoist their flag in this land.

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    Post by Jimmy Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:43 am

    It is true that new Gov. never stop this project though it is suspended temporally. Actually they can't stop it now. Due to Chinese pressure they will start the project. Contractor will not loss his money, country have to pay his compensations.

    Now what we can see is how ideological political decisions affected to the county. I thick they should have review it while proceeding with the construction. Suspensions of projects will not help us.

    Most important thing is our country does not has a plan for the development irrespective of politics. We should have a master plan to develop our country that will not change government to governments.

    As I know, Colombo port expansion is done over 1km. So, it should have greater impact on the environment. But nobody speaks. That way it goes.

    In my opinion, construction of a port city is not the problem but what they put in there is the problem, and how will they affect to the our country in view of social, cultural and economical scene.
    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා
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    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:55 am

    There are no permanent friends or foes in geopolitics and we got caught in between in one of such jostling for position in the region.
    Now if we have no power to stop this becoming a reality, then we should find another way to mitigate the long term effects of Chinese dominance.
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by Backstage Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:06 am

    The environmental concerns are very real, I have no idea how they/we will have to get around this. Do you ?
    anybody ?? scratch
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by chinwi Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:11 am

    tissera wrote:This is not world trade center. This is another Island and another Country in front of Sri Lanka. With this island, we are giving Sea as well as Air space to China. It will be another Diego Garcia. They can bring war ships and fighter planes and hoist their flag in this land.

    Smile You should post this in the Entertainment Section !
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:11 am

    With so much muck swirling around on this issue, it is difficult to obtain the actual facts and concerns the assessment teams have pointed out (if any).
    Has anyone here seen this report?  

    Backstage wrote:The environmental concerns are very real, I have no idea how they/we will have to get around this. Do you ?
    anybody ??   scratch
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by Market lover Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:13 am

    Some political persons & parties shouting at port city project saying it shouldnt have casino and bla bla bla.

    Its really funny as brothels, casinos, liquor shops, Betting centres are all over the island for many years to upto now. So why these things were not stopped yet by these political parties? Laughing

    Also the main people who visit the casino, may be the foreigners or the locals who got more money and dont know what else to do with it or to make more money and thats his wish as its his money.

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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by Backstage Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:25 am

    කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා wrote:With so much muck swirling around on this issue, it is difficult to obtain the actual facts and concerns the assessment teams have pointed out (if any).
    Has anyone here seen this report?  

    Backstage wrote:The environmental concerns are very real, I have no idea how they/we will have to get around this. Do you ?
    anybody ??   scratch

    The man spear heading the Environmental opposition is Ranil Senanayake, his scientific knowledge is sound, but has a small weakness for showmanship. The chairman of the evaluating committee is Ajitha de Costa who is close to the UNP, but a honest and objective man. Only RW has seen the report to my knowledge.
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by chinwi Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:30 am

    Environment Impact is huge.
    Instead of spreading false fears on Chinese dominated Country we have to concentrate on environment , social and cultural impacts.

    Filling sand itself is not 100% safe. When you fill in huge quantities air bubbles can form without your detection inside the filled areas. Later  they will cause collapsing of heavy loads like buildings, roads . To minimize this they did the secondary vibrating inside the filled masses in Dubai palms before allowing any construction.

    Deviation of Sea Water current routes is another main problem. Unexpected sea erosion can happen miles away. To identify possible areas they do testing with computer models . If they did these studies they should public them to ease concerned minds.  

    Impact on sea living creatures is unavoidable. In this case my argument is ,  filling is done only in  1/1000 th of the 1km span beach area available around the Island.
    In addition new host areas like breakwaters and calmed seawater areas will give some sea creatures thrive better that earlier.
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by Backstage Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:44 am

    chinwi wrote:Yes.
    Environment Impact is huge.
    Instead of spreading false fears on Chinese dominated Country we have to concentrate on environment , social and cultural impacts.

    Filling sand itself is not 100% safe. When you fill in huge quantities air bubbles can form without your detection inside the filled areas. Later  they will cause collapsing of heavy loads like buildings, roads . To minimize this they did the secondary vibrating inside the filled masses in Dubai palms before allowing any construction.

    Deviation of Sea Water current routes are another main problem. Unexpected sea erosion can happen miles away. To identify possible areas they do testing with computer models . If they did these studies they should public them to ease concerned minds.  

    Impact on sea living creatures is unavoidable. In this case my argument is ,  filling is done only in  1/1000 th of the 1km span beach area available around the Island.
    In addition new host areas like breakwaters and calmed seawater areas will give some sea creatures thrive better that earlier.

    It being so close to the Kelani estuary also complicates things a lot. Though I am not sure about this, I suspect that there is no EIA probably a slapdash EAR. Due to all the political implications (regional and local) all parties are playing this very close to the chest and I doubt that they will allow the public scrutiny of the environmental documents. This is my main concern, we could cause permanent damage to the western coast.
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:11 am

    This is a bit lengthy (almost 100 pages) but worth reading (when / if you have time).

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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by chutiputha Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:01 pm

    Sri Lanka’s Colombo Port City will be eco-friendly, assure constructors

    According the recently released Supplementary Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) report, Colombo Port City (CPC), upon completion of reclamation works, will incorporate solutions for integrated management of energy, water and waste for long-term environmental sustainability and for creating a comfortable environment for its occupants, according to an eco-cycle concept, say the China Communications Constructions Company and the China Harbour Engineering Company Limited.

    The eco-cycle model describes the interaction between reduced demand-side and highly developed supply systems. The overall goal is to reduce the negative environmental impact from Port City’s emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants. In order to achieve these goals the eco-cycle systems will contribute to the lowest possible demand of electricity and fossil fuel for transport; the lowest possible demand of fresh water in buildings and public areas; and lower demand of energy for heating and cooling. It will also include high quality recycling of water, energy, material and plant nutrients, and interaction between functional demand side solutions and the overall infrastructure.
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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:09 pm

    This is real and it could happened here too.  Shocked

    (already claiming someone else's place thousand miles away).

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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by spw19721 Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:31 pm

    Thanks for sharing chuti putha
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    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:51 pm

    Japan's far-flung island defense plan seeks to turn tables on China

    Japan is fortifying its far-flung island chain in the East China Sea under an evolving strategy that aims to turn the tables on China's navy and keep it from ever dominating the Western Pacific Ocean, Japanese military and government sources said.

    The United States, believing its Asian allies - and Japan in particular - must help contain growing Chinese military power, has pushed Japan to abandon its decades-old bare-bones home island defense in favor of exerting its military power in Asia.

    Tokyo is responding by stringing a line of anti-ship, anti-aircraft missile batteries along 200 islands in the East China Sea stretching 1,400 km (870 miles) from the country's mainland toward Taiwan.

    Interviews with a dozen military planners and government policymakers reveal that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's broader goal to beef up the military has evolved to include a strategy to dominate the sea and air surrounding the remote islands.

    While the installations are not secret, it is the first time such officials have spelled out that the deployment will help keep China at bay in the Western Pacific and amounts to a Japanese version of the "anti-access/area denial" doctrine, known as "A2/AD" in military jargon, that China is using to try to push the United States and its allies out of the region.

    Chinese ships sailing from their eastern seaboard must pass through this seamless barrier of Japanese missile batteries to reach the Western Pacific, access to which is vital to Beijing both as a supply line to the rest of the world's oceans and for the projection of its naval power.

       China's President Xi Jinping has set great store in developing an ocean-going "blue water" navy capable of defending the country's growing global interests.

       To be sure, there is nothing to stop Chinese warships from sailing through under international law, but they will have to do so in within the crosshairs of Japanese missiles, the officials told Reuters.


    As Beijing asserts more control across the nearby South China Sea with almost completed island bases, the string of islands stretching through Japan's East China Sea territory and south through the Philippines may come to define a boundary between U.S. and Chinese spheres of influence. Military planners dub this the line the "first island chain".

    "In the next five or six years the first island chain will be crucial in the military balance between China and the U.S.- Japan," said Satoshi Morimoto, a Takushoku University professor who was defense minister in 2012 and advises the current defense chief, Gen Nakatani.

    A U.S. warship in late October challenged territorial limits that China is asserting around its new man-made island bases in the Spratly archipelago.

    But Beijing may already have established "facts on the ground" in securing military control of the South China Sea, some officials and experts say.

       "We may delay the inevitable, but that train left the station some time ago," a senior U.S. military source familiar with Asia told Reuters, on condition he was not identified because he was not authorized to talk to the media.    

       China's "ultimate objective is hegemony over the South China Sea, hegemony over the East China Sea", said Kevin Maher, who headed the U.S. State Department's Office of Japan Affairs for two years until 2011. "To try and appease the Chinese would just encourage the Chinese to be more provocative," said Maher, now a consultant at NMV Consulting in Washington.


    Japan's counter to China in the East China Sea began in 2010, two years before Abe took power.

    The predecessor Democratic Party of Japan government pivoted away from protecting the northern island of Hokkaido against a Soviet invasion that never came to defending the southwest island chain.

    "The growing influence of China and the relative decline of the U.S. was a factor," said Akihisa Nagashima, a DPJ lawmaker who as vice minister of defense helped craft that change. "We wanted to do what we could and help ensure the sustainability of the U.S. forward deployment."

    China is investing in precision missiles as it seeks to deter the technologically superior U.S. Navy from plying waters or flying near Taiwan or in the South China Sea.

    Beijing in September gave friends and potential foes a peek at that growing firepower in its biggest ever military parade, which commemorated Japan's World War Two defeat. Making its debut was the Dongfeng-21D, a still untested anti-ship ballistic missile that could potentially destroy a $5 billion U.S. aircraft carrier..

       It joins an arsenal the U.S. Congress estimates at 1,200 short-range missiles and intermediate missiles that can strike anywhere along the first island chain. China is also developing submarine- and land-launched radar-evading cruise missiles.

       "Rather than A2/AD, we use the phrase 'maritime supremacy and air superiority'," said Yosuke Isozaki, Abe's first security adviser until September and a key author of a national defense strategy published in 2013 that included this phrase for the first time.

       "Our thinking was that we wanted to be able to ensure maritime supremacy and air superiority that fit with the U.S. military," he added.

    Toshi Yoshihara, a U.S. Naval War College professor, said Tokyo could play an important role in limiting China's room for maneuver through the East China Sea to the Western Pacific, enhancing U.S. freedom of movement and buying time for the alliance to respond in the event of war with China.

       "You could say Japan is turning the tables on China," Yoshihara said.

    Memories of Japanese aggression in World War Two still haunt Tokyo's relations with its near neighbors, and tensions have sharpened since the return to power of Abe, who critics view as a revisionist who wants to downplay Japan's wartime past.

    "Any Japanese military trend will elicit close attention and misgivings from Asian neighboring countries," China's National Defense Ministry told Reuters by email in reply to questions about Japan's island strategy.

    "We urge the Japanese side to take history as a mirror, and take more actions in the interests of growing mutual trust."

    Vice Admiral Joseph Aucoin, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, cast Japan's build-up in the East China Sea as complementary to a broader U.S. strategy.

    "The U.S. planning process for any theater takes into consideration the capabilities and forces of friends and potential adversaries," Aucoin told Reuters. "The U.S plans with the ultimate objective of maintaining peace and stability not only for Japan, but also for the region."



    Over the next five years, Japan will increase its Self-Defense Forces on islands in the East China Sea by about a fifth to almost 10,000 personnel.

    Those troops, manning missile batteries and radar stations, will be backed up by marine units on the mainland, stealthy submarines, F-35 warplanes, amphibious fighting vehicles, aircraft carriers as big as World War Two flat-tops and ultimately the U.S. Seventh Fleet headquartered at Yokosuka, south of Tokyo.

       Already cooperating closely, the Japanese and U.S. navies will draw closer than ever after Abe's new security legislation legitimized collective self-defense, allowing Japan to come to the aid of allies under attack.

       One crucial change, said Maher: the U.S. and Japanese military can now plan and practice for war together and deliver a "force multiplier".

    Bigger defense outlays are adding potency. Japan's military is seeking spending in the next fiscal year's budget that would top 5 trillion yen ($40 billion) for the first time, including money for longer-range anti-ship missiles, sub-hunting aircraft, early-warning planes, Global Hawk drones, Osprey tiltrotor aircraft and a new heavy-lift, long-range transport jet.

    In some areas, however, Japan's military is making do. Anti-ship missiles designed 30 years ago to destroy Soviet landing craft heading for Hokkaido are being deployed to draw the defensive curtain along the southwest island chain.

    Able to lob a 225-kg (500-lb) warhead 180 km, they have enough range to cover the gaps between the islands along the chain, said Noboru Yamaguchi, a Sasakawa Peace Foundation adviser and former general who procured them three decades ago.

    Japan's military planners must also figure out how to transform an army used to sticking close to its bases into a more mobile, expeditionary force.

    Decades of under-investment in logistics means Japan has too few naval transport ships and military aircraft to carry large numbers of troops and equipment.

    A more delicate task for Japan's government, however, may be persuading people living along the islands to accept a bigger military footprint. After decades hosting the biggest concentration of U.S. troops in Asia, people on Okinawa are voicing greater opposition to the bases.

    For now, communities on the long chain of islands, home to 1.5 million people, that have been asked to host Japanese troops are happy to do so, said Ryota Takeda, a lawmaker who as vice defense minister until Sept. 2014 traveled there frequently to win residents' approval for new deployments.

    "Unlike officials sitting in the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo they are more attuned to the threat they face every day."


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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by guruji Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:18 pm

    China ,s fleet will lodge in port city this is a ,,,ground for diplomatic war between china and usa,,,both going to control sl for their interests,
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    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:14 pm

    Now China Wants Okinawa

    On the day after Christmas, three Chinese boats, one modified to carry four cannons, entered Japan’s territorial waters surrounding the Senkaku Islands in the southern portion of the East China Sea. The move, a dangerous escalation, is the first time the People’s Republic of China sent an armed vessel into an area that Tokyo claims as its own.

    The sending of the three Chinese vessels on the 26th appears to signal a new phase of incursions to grab not just the Senkakus but the nearby—and far more important—Ryukyu Islands. Those include Okinawa, which hosts more than half of the 54,000 American military personnel in Japan, including those at Kadena Air Force Base, the Army’s Fort Buckner and Torii Station, eight Marine Corps camps, as well as Air Station Futenma and Yontan Airfield, and the Navy’s Fleet Activities Okinawa.

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    Port City to Empty South China Sea: US warship sails near disputed island

    Post by කිත්සිරි ද සිල්වා Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:28 pm

    A US warship has sailed near a disputed island in the South China Sea to challenge efforts to limit freedom of access, the Pentagon said.

    The vessel passed close to Triton Island in the Paracel Islands, a statement said.

    China, one of the countries claiming the islands, responded by accusing the US of violating its laws.

    China and several other nations have rival claims in the South China Sea, which is rich in resources.

    The US says it does not take sides on such territorial disputes but wants to safeguard access to the important shipping route.

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    Port City to Empty Re: Port City to

    Post by Hybrid Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:45 am

    BMICH Built by China for free.

    Chinese rice and noodle outlets all over the island

    Chinese electrical items sold island wide

    Chinese products sold all over the world!

    Who can stop it?

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